

Do you ever have those projects or goals that you know your company needs, but you don’t know where to begin? Or worse, you know what needs to be done but you don’t have the time to make it happen?

At Yvette Poole & Associates, our goal is to help you be successful. If there is a business challenge you are having, let us know what you need and we will find a way to help you resolve it. We focus on the areas of your business that are most important to you.

Many of our consulting assignments have us making a difference in daily operations, employee morale and the overall client experience.

Click here to see some of the services we offer

Working with the Yvette Poole & Associates team was a huge success! They were able to re-engineer existing training manuals and bring them to life. The interactive exercises, graphics and testing changed the entire experience for the learner, as well as improved their retention of the material. The professionalism, consultative approach and real understanding of what it takes to produce excellent training courses was evident from day 1. I was impressed with the entire process!

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